Saturday, January 22, 2011

3:52 Week Picture - Macro

I started following another blog's 52 week suggestion guide. This week, the subject is macro. I am not good with macro shots. I've always envied those who have taken sharp pictures of insects. However, I am also not found of insects. So this shot is a macro shot of a water drop.
This was fun but definitely not an easy task! It took me a couple of days to come out with a descent picture. It still isn't what I was striving for. I found it difficult to control water like Moses :) But I am proud of it.

So here is my fat water drop.

Next week: the subject is Tired.
I think I've got that down, if only I can take a self portrait :)


  1. LOVE it Nett! Did you have help with this, someone dropping water for you?

  2. Amy if you saw what I did to get this shot, you'd think I was insane :)
    I took an old water jug and poked a hole at the bottom of it. I had it balancing on a stack of two plastic bins for height. Then I setup our old fish tank and filled it partially with water. I taped pink paper on the back of it for the background. All this plus yelling at Shelby to stop throwing my lens cap in the water :)
